




My Personal Testimony


First, God loves you and I do also.  I am sharing this to bring glory to God for what He has done!  They overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.  On May 28, 1989, I told someone that I was going to exercise five days a week.  I said it just to impress the person.  I was not serious; I was joking.  It all began with my words.  On June 1, 1989, I began an exercise program.  I weighed in at 178 lbs.  On May 4, 1989, a friend invited me to start walking...my body hated it!  I began to go walking three days a week.  I asked the Lord to take away the sweets.  As I stayed faithful to those things, changes were taking place on the inside of me.  I looked to the Lord during this whole process.  I began allowing the Holy Ghost to be my health coach.  He brought information across my path and told me what to do.  God showered me with the desire, strength and grace.  I began to increase my exercises and changed my eating patterns for the Glory of God.  I increased my walking to three miles a day and stayed there for six weeks.  I was led by the Holy Spirit to do six miles a day and from there, nine miles a day (along with using weights).  I took advantages of the gym and worked out all summer.  There were many battles, I came into truth by reading nutritional books that I had purchased.  Knowledge set me free!!  In July, the Holy Ghost told me I could begin jogging six miles.  God gave me the desire and also showed me how to eat right and make changes from the wrong foods to the more healthier foods.  I would like to recommend these books, Help Lord, The Devil Wants Me Fat by C.S. Lovett, Free To Be Thin by Neva Cole, Your Health Coach by Beverly Chesser.  This has become my life-style, not jst temporary.  You must maintain your own body for God's glory.  Marry your body to the Lord.  Eat right because the Holy Ghost lives in you.  All things are possible with God!  You have got to have patience with yourself.  Weight comes off slowly.  Any weight loss of more than two pounds a week is water and unhealthy.  I took no diet pills except (gospel pills), I saw no doctor except (Dr. Jesus).  Keep your physical, spiritual, social life in balance.  you cannot fail with God.  He is not a failure!  My total weight lost has been 40 lbs and 25 inches.  The way I began on June 1st is the way I'll finish.


God Bless You!


Victoria Scales



Victoria Scales,

CEO and Certified Personal Trainer

Wellness Consultant

Certified CPR Trainer

"Expect to feel better, look better, lose body fat, gain muscle tone, and tighten your body.  I just need you and your discipline to help you manage your health."






Watch for Victoria on channel 63, The TBN Network, every Thursday at 6:00 a.m. with Lee Haney and also on various segments with Atlanta Live TV 57 WATC, Friends & Neighbors.



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